How would you rate Fort William as a place to develop and promote your business?
Please select your answer
How do you think your customers rate Fort William as a place to visit?
Please select your answer
Overall, do you feel that Fort William is an attractive, clean town?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitelly
I'm, not sure
No, not really
Would you agree that extending the tourist season would help increase prosperity for all business sectors?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
1 out of 4
Would Fort William benefit from Increasing the frequency and scale of national/International events in the town?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Should more events be created (Music, Farmers/Christmas Markets, etc.) to bring locals into the town centre?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Do you think that promotion in local media (Internet, radio, create a local app.) would improve awareness of events happening in Fort William?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Would you be willing to support Fort William businesses by shopping local?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Would Fort William benefit from the presence of Public Art, ie; sculptures on roundabouts, murals on walls, outdoor exhibitions?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
2 out of 4
Should we encourage and support businesses by creating a culture of unity in the town?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Do you think it would be beneficial to learn from other towns' successes?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Should we have a collective representation for Levy Payers with Highland Council and Scottish Government?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Is it important to work with public bodies to ensure we receive our fair share of Infrastructure investment?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
3 out of 4
How would you rate appearance of the back of the town from the A82?
Please select your answer
I think it looks ok
I don't pay much attention to that
I think it needs to be improved
I personally think that Tourist Season is not long enough.
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Is A82 fit for purpose?
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Would you like to see improvement in the way that major buildings looks like (e.g. Belford Hospital, Airds Crossing etc.)
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure
No, not really
Do you agree that Fort William struggles with staff levels? If you do, what employees should we attract more and how can we do it? Please describe.
Please select your answer
Yes, definitely.
I'm not sure
No, not really
We will be aiming to keep the cost to local businesses to a minimum. The cost of the levy will depend on the cost of the improvements that are agreed as a priority. The amount of businesses that get behind the BID and the amount of external funding we secure will also have an impact on the cost of the levy. The levy is calculated as a percentage of the business premises' rateable value. If we do not take steps to care for the town, nobody will. How will you vote?
Please select your answer
We will vote YES
We are still thinking about it.
We will vote NO
Would you like a visit from our BID Fort William Manager over the next few months to find out more about BID Fort William or to discuss your answers further?
4 out of 4