Nominations for the Fort William BID Company Board

Nominations for the Fort William BID Company Board

Dear Colleague
The Fort William Business Improvement District (BID) Company
Fort William will soon have its own Business Improvement District Company. As you know, the
recent ballot for the BID was successful, with the following results:-
 Number of votes cast 107 with 66 voting in favour of the BID
 Turnout was 30.18 %
The vote was therefore successful required by law and a BID company will become operational
March 2025. The company will be non-profit making and limited by guarantee, with its purpose
being to deliver the objectives of the Fort William BID Business Plan over 5 years.

What happens now?

  1. A registered company will be created.
  2. All businesses located within the BID boundary with a rateable value of £3,000 or more will
    now be required, from December 2024 to December 2029, to pay the modest levy set out in
    the Business Plan, according to the rateable value of their business premises. The Highland
    Council has issued levy invoices on behalf of the BID company from December 1 st 2024
    along with payment details.
  3. A BID Manager will be recruited.
  4. A BID Board of Directors will be created
  5. Projects that were outlined in the business plan will begin to take place.

Nominations for the Fort William BID Company Board

The outgoing Steering Group is now seeking nominations from those eligible businesses (all
eligible levy payers) located within the BID area to create the BID Board of Directors. There will
be 12 spaces on the Board, preferably with representation from all business sectors, including
but not limited to the following business categories:-

  • Retail/Wholesale
  • Leisure / Hospitality
  • Industrial / Service
  • Office / Financial
  • Food / Drink

A further 1 place is allocated to The Highland Council for their nominated representative.
On behalf of the Fort William BID Steering Group I would like to invite business representatives
to nominate themselves for a place on the new BID company Board. Whatever the size of
your business, or whether you are the owner of Fort William businesses or a manager of
a ‘multiple’ business (with its headquarters elsewhere in the UK) we want to hear from
you if you share the BID’s vision for a vibrant town with an engaged and involved business
community. Please take the time to complete the form, secure a ‘proposer’ for your nomination
and return it to me no later than March 31 st 2025
A seat on the BID Board of Directors will involve active participation and involvement in all
aspects of delivering the content of the BID Business Plan for a period of at least 3 years. It will
require attendance at a minimum of 6 meetings per year and you will be representing all the
businesses located in the BID area.
If more nominations are received than the allocated number of places (by category) then a
meeting will be held where those wishing to be stand as Directors can briefly present their case
to those in attendance and a vote will then take place. If insufficient nominations are
forthcoming, then the Board will have the right to co-opt eligible persons onto the board.
Should you require more details on the responsibilities involved with being a BID Board Director,
please feel free to contact
I look forward to receiving your nomination and application to join the new BID Company.

Yours on behalf of the BID Steering Group
Chairman – Archie Macdonald
Vice Chairman – Rosemary Macphee
Member – Donald Daly
Member – Jane Macdonald
Member – Carmen Beale

Download “Nomination Form” Nomination-Form-V2-Final.pdf – Downloaded 234 times – 53.56 KB